• One click create crowd funding contracts in the DERO blockchain
  • Each crowd fund is controlled only by the creator of the fund
  • View crowd funds in list format with name and description
  • Add a decentralized or centralized web link for detailed fund / project description
  • Modify basic fund parameters such as name, description and web link
  • Fund the project using just a Crowd Fund ID and a wallet connection
  • Share only your Crowd Fund ID for marketing purposes
  • All completely decentralized running locally on your Android device
  • Cyber resistant, hack resistant, censorship resistant, peer to peer crowd funding
  • Zero centralized servers are needed to keep this application running
  • Grow your network of contributors by simply sharing the .apk with friends
  • Start learning the massive benefits of using peer to peer tools
  • Crowd fund anything such as personal needs, software projects, moving projects, etc ..
  • Be as creative as you like with your crowd funding nothing can hold you back
  • Participate in the parallel economy by enhancing your security and protecting your financial assets
  • We give you the tools to become free and operate in peer to peer free markets
  • Because of blockchain we have choices, continue to support big corporate or support each other

After you get funding for your project check out Dero.Work